Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

This year was definitely a very difficult year. Professionally and personally, I have never struggled more, cried more, grieved more. Yet in the midst of all this, finding God and putting our values first, we really can come out stronger. And in the process, rediscover ourselves, qualities we didn't know exist. Oh yes, that's deep.

I discovered I can survive without a maid. Fifteen years ago, I told my husband that he either got me a maid or got me a divorce. I had just had my first child and it was insane. Or maybe first-time mothers get a little neurotic and insane. And so for every day of the last 14 years, we have had domestic help. And when the last one left last year, I rounded the kids up, told them their daily house chores and we SURVIVED.

I no longer care about gossips and bitch-biting. They are what they are. And no amount of words or deeds will stop this. "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt. Get a life already!

I have a great team of leaders at work. This time last year, I was having wave after wave of anxiety attacks, not knowing how we were going to meet our business goals. I thought the jump was too much, and we were all such a young team. My two vice-principals were just recently appointed into the positions, the players are mostly new, how on earth could we make the numbers real! But we did it, and in all honesty, we could even have done more. And I am humbled and overwhelmed by my team's passion and commitment. They are simply the best. Segi College Sarawak- you rock!

My proudest mom moment was when Clarissa scored all A's in her PMR this year. And all the sweeter because she did not go for any after-school tuition. Such a waste of time I thought. When she received her results, I thought she was going to faint. She just couldn't believe it. Believe it, baby. You have worked hard. And God has answered your prayers. I love you.

There is so much we have in life for which we cannot pay.
The things we take for granted in our journey day by day.
From early in the morning until the day is done,
We ought to count our blessings and name them one by one.
Health, peace, happiness, love of kin and friends,
Birds, trees, flowers, seas, a list that never ends.
Summer, autumn, winter, spring, each brings something rare,
And we accept what comes our way without a thought or care.
We really ought to think a bit of what we have and why,
There is so much belongs to us, the stars, the moon, the sky.
The very air we breathe each day, and food upon the board,
And the only way we can ever pay is by our thanks to Thee, O Lord.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Staying Home

I am actually taking some days off from work just to laze around the house. I've been told to get some rest, or else my face which has all the bearings of stress and worry, is going to sag down to my armpits.

I think I handle stress quite well. I eat, I shop. And maybe I scream a little. Then I feel good again. You know.

But well, even someone like me who normally don't quite worry about how I look, still gets some uh-oh moments when a friend says my face is going south, literally. So in the last few days I did some home facials and plastered those expensive creams on my skin. Smells good, but not looking any different. Hopefull it will happen soon, or you will be talking to my armpits. Not pretty.

Staying at home is actually more difficult than it sounds. Seriously. I feel lost without my work. So lost. It's as if this is what defines me. My work has been my life. Well, not my whole life, because I have my beautiful family. But work has been my passion and I can't do this. Stay at home? Relax? Can't do it. Going nuts. Sure I moan about the stress now and then, and I gripe about the idiots I have to put up with, but maybe the old saying's right - pleasure comes with pressure. Heh.

Can't wait to get back to work.