Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Alex.

On 7 January 2011, my son turned 12. He is the son any mum will want. And the brother any sister will die for. Really. Did I mention he carries Nat's school bags from the school gates to Daddy's car (about 100 metres) almost everyday? When I first heard that, my heart melted. That's so Alex.

When he was a just baby, both sides of the family laid claim. My folks said he looked exactly like me. My hubby's parents, cousins, uncle, aunt - all said he looked exactly like the dad. Hmmph.

Of course they were biased.

Where got lah.

I am a vey objective person. I tell you, he is the handsomest, cleverest, kindest, simply bestest boy alive.

Happy Birthday Alex.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Natalie The Boss

So I told Natalie, my youngest, that I will be travelling again in January, to KL and Jakarta, on business. And I held my breath. It was already 11pm and I figured she would be sleepy and all that and will not be quite the drama queen.


HUGE pools of tears.

I cannot survive without you mummy. I will not let you go. I command you not to go.
