Monday, May 7, 2012

Jogjakarta 3-6 May 2012

I wanted desperately to write that I went to Jogja and loved it. And I really should have loved it. I'm over 40 dammit. 

You'd think that the over forties should have been a bit more cultured. And really, I should have been fascinated by the arts and culture, the magnificent temples, the sultan's palace, the tamansari, gamelan music, even the legends surrounding the Prambanan temple.

Nope. All I could think and feel, was that it was such a hot, dusty, crowded place. And I didn't like it. 

But I did like the company. We had good fun. I've come to think, after so many years, that we have a really strange love-hate relationship, all of us. There were times when I fantasized clawing some of their faces out. I imagine they would want to do worse things to me. And there are times, like this, when I sit and think that I would never want to trade these colleagues.

Here we are.

This is me, at the Sultan's palace, trying to look sexy, just in case the sultan is peeping out his window. Don't roll your eyes. You never know.

And here we are again at the palace, Team Segi.

Next year, I wanna go someplace cold. Please.