Monday, December 5, 2011

You know you are getting old when...

1. You start having more white hairs. I found 2 white hairs this morning!! Help. My melanocytes are dying.

2. You eat less. A lot less. This is either due to a decreased metabolism rate or because you have become allergic to exercises. Any form of exercise.

3. You need less sleep. I used to love sleeping. And now suddenly I can do with 6 hours of sleep. At times, even 4 hours. This can't be good.

4. Your student tells you that you were her mother's lecturer.

5. You start having really bad eyesight. Small prints become ridiculously tiny and in dim lights, there's no way I can even make out the words.

6. You start getting pins and needles every so often. This is when you sit cross-legged and when you attempt to get up, you find your legs have gone to sleep. And they take quite awhile to wake up.

7. You start getting wrinkles. And even your wrists have wrinkles.

8. You go around the house searching for your car keys and yell at your kids to find them. Then you realised you were holding them in your hand all the while.

9. You start blogging like Dr. M.