Monday, January 30, 2012

Chinese New Year 2012

Chinese New Year was ok lah. Not awesome, but not the please-kill-me kind of event. So it's another new year in the chinese calendar and yeah it's now the year of the dragon.

I guess I'm not too excited by it.

You see, I'm a dog. And we dogs, we don't like dragons much. Bad year, this, they say. A year where bad things will happen to us dogs. Yadda yadda yadda. It's not that I'm turning my nose up at this kind of things, but seriously? C'mon man, there are good and bad things every single year. There are highs and then there are lows. So what, right?

But what I want this year, is for Clarissa to do well in her studies, cos she'll be taking her SPM this year. I still can't believe my baby is almost 17. 

Look at her. So grown up and so pretty. And for once, she dressed ok, so I'm putting this picture up. She doesn't normally. I mean, the stuff teenagers wear nowadays! She'd put on a dress, then pair it with jeans and pull on a cardigan and tell me it's da bomb. The latest chic in fashion. Hmmpph. And I'll still always say you're not wearing that honey.

Anyway, CNY coincided with my baby sister's birthday this year. She looks nothing like me tho. Poor her.

That's her with her 3 kids and 1 hubs. My baby sister. Who tortured me when we were young. Who bit me and scarred me for life. But that's another story for another day. Happy Birthday Jojo.

And Happy Chinese Ney Year, y'all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Alex & Nat

Alex's birthday was on 7th January. Nat's was on 16th January.

Just days apart, I always try to persuade them on how much more fun it will be to have a joint birthday celebration. So it's either I have really good persuasive skills, or my kids are just the best at humouring me.

This year, we had a really modest celebration, at my parents' place.

As I watched the kids gustily sang the birthday song, and in several different keys (ouch!) I can't help but marvel at how they have grown. And how proud I am of them. Nat's my angel, the sweetest of hearts, with the most generous, giving spirit. Alex, my lion heart, fiercely independent, witty, funny, and almost, a man.

Love you, my darlings.

Happy Birthday.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Oh, to be fit..

I've indulged too much. Overdone every part of the "eat, drink and be merry" thing.

New Year Resolution. I want fitness. I want muscles. But without the hulkness, can?

And the great thing is that here, there are just so many good fitness centres and gyms around. I can even choose my very own personal trainer. Excited.

Give me six months. I'll show ya.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

I'm back! 

And here I am, finally settled in, happy and comfortable in my new pad.

Never thought that after 17 years in Kuching, I would one day pack my bags and go. Damn it was hard. I truly miss my friends and the life there. But of course some things I will not miss.

This might well be the hardest year ever. Yes, I've moved on to a bigger city, and to a job that is gonna challenge the daylights out of me. I do truly like my work, because it so consumes me. And that's what I like, because it's not just a job. But now, here, this is going to be totally new. A different ball game altogether. Maybe even a different league now. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't collapse and die.

So cheers to a New Year, and to greater happiness.