Friday, February 24, 2012


I wasn't always in the education industry.

Years back, in another life, I was in the insurance industry. At 23, fresh out of university, my first job was as a Marketing Services Offier at  Malaysia British Assurance Bhd. It's now called Allianz. As starter jobs go, it was okay. We were recruited to service banks and companies who were already clients, and our KPIs were to make sure we don't lose them, and, grow the portfolio. I got bored after awhile. 

Still, I will never forget Jimmy Ng. My ex-boss. My first boss. And he was a really good boss. I recently met up with him at his club. 20 years we lost touch and he still looks the same. Still got hair.

Can you believe this guy? He's 66 this year. You got to wonder what he's taking.

I spent about six months under his tutelage, then went off to work in the Penang branch. Can never thank him enough. The six years I was in insurance, I couldn't find anyone else who could hold a candle to him. Great mentor.

Thank you Jimmy.