Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ten Things You Don't Know About Me

A girlfriend challenged me to post this here. And being a sucker to such dares, how can I say no right? Especially when I get free tuak. Say no more.

10 Things You Don't Know About Me?

#1. I was born in Alor Star, Kedah.
#2. I got married just after my 24th birthday.
#3. I used to play the piano and violin. Not anymore.
#4. My mum was from China, so I am a first generation Malaysian
#5. Growing up, my ambition was to be a lawyer. Didn't happen. Married one instead.
#6. I can't swim. I don't know why, but I never did learn. Guess you can't swim in padi fields.
#7. I have perfect pitch. Name me a note and I can pitch it.
#8. I hate honey dew. They taste like vomit and nothing, no one, will make me go near them.
#9. I have perfect eyesight. Don't need glasses.
#10. I am a Cantonese pure bred, but speak better Hokkien. My parents' fault.

That's it. I am so glad it's just 10 and not 20.

Gimme my tuak.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Natalie

Nat likes to write letters to me. It's probably her way of saying I don't spend enough time with her.

It works too. Every time she presents me with killer letters like these, I drop everything for her.

You are wrong, Nat. I love you more more more.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A friend of mine sent me this.

Dad goes to daughter's room to wake her up. "Ok, time to get up! Time for school!" Daughter in a surly mood, says "I don't wanna go".
Dad insists.
Daughter replies, "I don't wanna go, the kids hate me, make fun of me, throw things at me. I don't wanna go!"
Dad says gently, " you have to go to school."
Daughter wails, "why??!"
Dad replies, " cos you are the principal!"

Funny meh?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No more wrinkles

A couple of days ago, we went for a photo shoot, for our company's Annual Report. We were going to take mug shots, possibly for some people to play darts with our faces.

We went to Jackie Studio in Kuching, because well, they have been doing our graduation photos and besides Jackie is really a very nice, friendly, humourous guy. We like humourous guys.

And when he said he will make me look good, he ain't joking. This guy is probably the best magician out there. Even the KL flers kalah I reckon.

No more wrinkles. No more eye bags. If only my creams could do the same trick.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hate Football. Hate Hate Hate.


I hate football because every time there is a match (and especially if Liverpool is playing), I can't watch tv. I have to whisper to the children. We have to tip-toe around the house, in case hubby gets distracted by all the noise.

But I really really hate football when that football-crazed hubby of mine does his victory shouts and dance. 4 o'clock in the morning!! Uggghhh. And then he comes in to the room, bursting with happiness and talks to me like as if it's broad daylight already.

Adakah patut.

I am so cranky today. Blame it on the hubby.

Friday, March 11, 2011

When the going gets tough..

Don't I just love the corporate world. Just when you think you have got it all figured out and a business plan meticulously written out, something happens that wreaks complete chaos and havoc to all those strategies and plans. Now your plans are worth shit.

I could just cry.

Not that it would help at all. And did I mention that the profit targets are still the same? Team members look to the boss. Who does the boss look to?

Defining times.

We can play in the gutter with dirty tactics and possibly still win.

Or we can rise to the challenge, tear down every preconceived notion, look for new windows and still aim for the stars. Perhaps even a higher star.

I guess it's what we are made of.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Impressions

So many things have happened lately that have made me realised I've made lots of judgement errors based on first impressions.

This person I met last year, I thought was so snobbish and all. Mentang-mentanglah a hotshot boss. Didn't even smile or be nice. But I was so wrong. I have since come to respect and like him a lot, probably the best leader yet. Tons of wisdom, a wicked sense of humour and such a depth of character. I so like.

Then there is this other person, whom I have always thought was rather intimidating and stone cold, turned out to be such a warm person with a heart of gold. Then I realised she has always been like this. It's probably her generals who are the evil ones. Shame on me. I've been so wrong, again! I love her.

Another person whom I've trusted and worked very closely alongside with, hmm, I don't like what I discovered. I guess I just don't like games and have little patience with people who play it. Now this one hurt.

So no lessons really from here. Just ranting and recounting that I can be quite the fool. But only sometimes.