Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Impressions

So many things have happened lately that have made me realised I've made lots of judgement errors based on first impressions.

This person I met last year, I thought was so snobbish and all. Mentang-mentanglah a hotshot boss. Didn't even smile or be nice. But I was so wrong. I have since come to respect and like him a lot, probably the best leader yet. Tons of wisdom, a wicked sense of humour and such a depth of character. I so like.

Then there is this other person, whom I have always thought was rather intimidating and stone cold, turned out to be such a warm person with a heart of gold. Then I realised she has always been like this. It's probably her generals who are the evil ones. Shame on me. I've been so wrong, again! I love her.

Another person whom I've trusted and worked very closely alongside with, hmm, I don't like what I discovered. I guess I just don't like games and have little patience with people who play it. Now this one hurt.

So no lessons really from here. Just ranting and recounting that I can be quite the fool. But only sometimes.