Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday

Yesterday was Good Friday. Not just a holiday, it is a Big Deal. It is the day that because Jesus loves us so much, He died on the cross for us. He died that we may live. It is the day Death died.

O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

I am not by any stretch of the imagination, a religious person. I don't do fasting well. I don't even keep the traditions or rituals and practices well. And I must admit I haven't been to church as often as I should. Just by saying this you're probably going to have this urge to pray for my soul.

But I love God, and He's real to me. And today, I am really grateful that He died for me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Seoul, Korea, 7-10 April 2011

This was my second trip to South Korea. The first was in February this year, also on business. And it was really a rather different experience.

In February, it was freezing and there was snow on the ground.

We had lots of great food. Every day. Every meal. We stuffed ourselves crazy each time and then said we would skip dinner. Or supper. Or breakfast.

Never happened. Pigs.

Some pictures of our great meals together..

BBQ pork with lots of kimchi side dishes.

BBQ chicken with veg, kimchi and rice thrown in

More BBQ

Yums. Delicious.

This time around, the food was not as great, so no more bloated tums or big burping contests.

But what made it really memorable was the company that we had. It was the SEGi Management trip. 38 of us went, from all centres. We got to know each other a little more. It was special. I had so much fun, so much laughter. And very nice memories.

That's me on the far left, front row. Aih, must remember to stand in a more ladylike fashion next time.

Also went sight seeing to a lot of historical places. These are the kind of things that you'd normally need to drag me to, or forcefully carry me there. But it turned out to be not so bad after all. Must be the people that made all the difference.

We also went to the Seoul Tower. Had to walk up the hill. It wasn't the tower that captivated me, nor the Teddy Bear Museum (although it was a favourite with many girls). No, it was the thousands of locks on the fences, and on rings of steel. From afar, they look like Christmas Trees.

Koreans are so romantic. These are actually love locks, with the keys thrown away, symbolizing eternal love, never to be separated. Locked in everlasting love. Wow. So romantic, kan.


It was a 4D3N visit to Seoul. Great trip, great company. But as always, I miss my babies. And I came home, happy to be reminded that at home, I have the greatest love.

Who needs love locks anyway.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Twelve years and counting

I have been working at the same company for 12 years now. Never really thought it was a biggie, until three of my colleagues asked me last month, how I could stay in the same place, doing the same thing, year in, year out. Three same questions, three separate occassions. One raised two eyebrows at me - 'You don't get tired ah?'

I gave them all the same answer. The honest answer. Which is simply that I love my job.

But if you know me, the answer is never simple. Nope, I had to think it to death, as I generally do with almost everything.

Yeah, I thought about it all weekend. What is it about this job that I love. Why do I love it? What is it that keeps me going, that I can happily work seven days a week and not tire of it. That I can put in twelve-hour days and still be smiling.

Ah it's not always sunshine and roses. Au Contraire. I've had black moments where I would have happily fed some moronic idiots to the crocodiles.

Twelve reasons why I really love my job?

#1. I love my boss.
#2. I love most of the people I work with. They are generally fun, sincere, hardworking, with hearts of gold.
#3. I love that this job consumes me and I'm never bored.
#4. I love it that I have new problems everyday.
#5. I love it that I get to teach and train young leaders.
#6. I love it so much that I get to touch young people's lives and watch them grow.
#7. I love my sexy car.
#8. I love that it only takes me 5 minutes to drive to work.
#9. I love it that I know the business well
#10. I love it that I know the processes well
#11. I love that I can give so much and education is my biggest passion
#12. And of course - I love my pay.

It has been an awesome twelve years.