Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Rugby Boys

Everyone knows I don't like sports. Don't like playing, don't like watching.

But not rugby. I don't mind watching rugby. There's something very earthy, very raw here. None of those wimpy paddings, helmets stuff. These are REAL men. And real men scrummage.

SO. It's going to be the 2011 Rugby World Cup soon. And before that the Tri-Nation Series in August. And only one team will have my heart pounding. The New Zealand All Blacks.

Don't forget to watch the haka too. I wonder which haka they'll go for. When I was in NZ, more than 20 years ago, it used to be the traditional Ka Mate Haka. Love this. So macho, so in-your-face intimidating. Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!

In recent years, they introduced the Kapa o Pango. And I thought if anything, this is even more dahsyat. It's like saying We're going to kill you slowly.

All Blacks. You're my champions.

Friday, July 29, 2011

When The Going Gets Tough..

When the going gets tough, the Tough goes SHOPPING.

And this is what I got for myself and it came in the post today. Yay!! Nothing like good ol' retail therapy. Gawd, I love spending money.

Saw the reebonz package. Dupdapdupdap..

What a surprise. It came beautifully wrapped.

Ta daa..

My beautiful Prada. The object of my lust. Just can't have enough of you.

Thank you You do realize I am gonna be stalking you from hereon right.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Online shopping

If you live in Kuching where there is no Prada / Miu Miu / Burberry / LV outlet, what do you do? Gasp! How do we survive?

But yay to online shopping. Listen up girlfriends. Three words. Reebonz dot com. The thing is, it's by invitation only.

So if you wanna shop, click on this invite ok.

Happy shopping. Burn that plastic.

Stress Makes You Look Younger

I normally pay as much attention to beauty ads as I would to my husband. Which is to say, not quite a lot.

But this new thing by Givenchy, says that STRESS can make you look younger. And there is a whole lot of scientific research that backs it up. Okay, now that's interesting.

Said to be revolutionary and a major breakthrough in anti-ageing skincare, Vax'in for Youth is based on the theory of hormesis -- the idea that exposure to small amounts of toxins or stressors helps your body develop immunity to them.

The beauty brand collaborated on Vax'in with bigerontologist Dr. Rattan, founder of the Laboratory of Cellular Aging in the Molecular Biology Department of Denmark's Aarhus University.

It's a serum that induces hormesis and helps boost the production of an age-defying protein called HSP70, which increases cells' prolonged resistance to aging and protects and repairs proteins found in skin.

So now I know. Hmmph. I look young not because of some sort of genetic thingy. It's the Stress, honey. Gee, thanks.

Happy Birthday Clarissa

Dearest Clarissa,

Happy Sweet Sixteen, baby.

Oh God. Has it really been sixteen years already? Sixteen years ago, after a long labour (read : 24 hours) which the doctor didn't want to give me any painkillers and which I screamed at anyone who came near me, cos you were taking your own sweet time coming out.

But the minute I saw you, I fell in love. You were the most beautiful baby. I swore to protect you with my life. To give you everything I have. To give you happiness.

So I named you Clarissa, cos you were the most brilliant thing ever in my life. You still are. Bright, Beautiful, Brilliant.

I love you darling. Happy Sweet Sixteen.