Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Rugby Boys

Everyone knows I don't like sports. Don't like playing, don't like watching.

But not rugby. I don't mind watching rugby. There's something very earthy, very raw here. None of those wimpy paddings, helmets stuff. These are REAL men. And real men scrummage.

SO. It's going to be the 2011 Rugby World Cup soon. And before that the Tri-Nation Series in August. And only one team will have my heart pounding. The New Zealand All Blacks.

Don't forget to watch the haka too. I wonder which haka they'll go for. When I was in NZ, more than 20 years ago, it used to be the traditional Ka Mate Haka. Love this. So macho, so in-your-face intimidating. Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!

In recent years, they introduced the Kapa o Pango. And I thought if anything, this is even more dahsyat. It's like saying We're going to kill you slowly.

All Blacks. You're my champions.