Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Penang trip

Penang trip 4-6 November 2011

So finally it did happen. 34 of us descended on Penang, and had a nice 3D2N. I used to live and work in Penang once. That was 1993. Straight out of university, and lived quite a different life back then.

I was shocked. Penang is actually clean. Almost as clean as Kuching. Since when? Well, according to the tour guide, since the new chenghu took over. Hats off to you then, Mr Lim Guan Eng. Because when I lived there, it was scary filthy.

So we did all the touristy stuff. Visited Fort Conwallis, walked along Gurney Drive, shopped at Gurney Plaza, Komtar, Prangin Mall, 1st Avenue Mall, went to Chong Fatt Sze mansion, Kek Lok Si temple, Penang Hill, etc etc. It was a bit of a rush though. I would have preferred my holidays to be lazy with nothing much to do except eat, play on the beach and watch the sunset. Maybe next time.
Team SEGi

We didn't stop eating either. In between meals, we stuffed ourselves with char kueh tiaw, assam laksa, rojak, mua chee, aiskacang, chee cheong fun.. yums.

This was taken at a Thai restaurant. The tomyam was really good. So was the kerabu mango. The rest I can't remember. Cos by then the chili padi had my lips and tongue swollen twice their original size.

And when we thought we could walk no more, we went back to the hotel, showered, changed and came out again.

Upper Penang Road. We didn't get there till quite late but the place was a party paradise. Young crowd, great looking cars, and really loud music. Smoking hot. Thanks to Rach for bringing us there.

But first, got to take photos with the Ferraris. 'Bout 5 in a row.

That's me trying to learn the art of sipping beer from Angie. She's such a cutie. Unlike me who just gulped it down.

We had fun that night. It was good to go out with colleagues and have some downtime together. I loved every moment laughing and eating and drinking.

Must do it again. Where to next, eh?