Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Turning 41

A year ago, I fought kicking and screaming into my 40th birthday. Ya ya, 40 isn't bad. Age is just a number. It's the inside that counts. Wrinkles are cute. It's the Fabulous Forties. Anymore, smartasses?

And now, hmmpph. 41 is looming. I suppose once I survived 40, with the realisation that hey, it isn't too bad, I can get used to it. After all, the mind is quicker, even sassier, and I don't have the insecurities and hangups of the twenty somethings. I can still out wrestle my kids, beat them all on computer games, and rock a sexy outfit. OK, you can stop rolling your eyes. That last bit was a hopeful, wishful thought.

Ok buddies. Listen up. I need to dull the pain of growing old. These are what I want, k. Have some heart.

LOLA by Marc Jacobs

Prada sunnies

Durian cheescake

Burberry tote

Samsung Galaxy
Happy Birthday to me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Quit whining. You won't die.

Once, fine. ok. I can accept that.

Twice, maybe I can still forgive.

But more than that, I'm just going to give it to you. Stop being so pathetic ok. You asked for this. For a long time, you have been your grumpy self and I've put up with a lot of shit.

Whether you like it or not, I'm moving on.

So quite whining baby. The good news is you won't die.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fate? Oh Crap.

A friend submitted my name and birthdate to a Chinese sifu, ostensibly to see what the future holds for me. I didn't ask for it. Because well, I don't believe in such things. Not really.

To believe that would mean to acccept that my life path has been mapped out the day my parents gave me my name and the moment I was born. Don't I get to choose my destiny? If it's all pre-determined, and the course of events inevitable, do we really need to work hard at anything at all?

But still I was curious. I'm only woman after all. And I asked what the sifu said. Then I wished I didn't know. Oh crap.

My first reaction was to laugh it off. If what he said was true, I'm so doomed. Now I'm sad. Could it possibly happen to me, that I would one day lose everything I hold dear?

My fate?

No way.

Check back in after 2014 ya. Might have the answers then.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Obedient Wives Club

Interesting. Inspiring. I am so in awe of this Siti Maznah Mohd Taufik. What great insights.

She's part of a group of Malaysian Muslim women who has formed the Obedient Wives Club. Do what? They say women must obey your hubbies. And women must help curb social ills by serving their husbands better than first-class prostitutes.

Inspiring, no?

Ah. So women were born to please, and we should obey the men. How simple is that? Surely not hard to do right? Nevermind that the husbands can be complete morons, or that they beat the crap out of you. Nevermind that you have a black eye or a cracked rib. It was all your fault, Sistas.

Obey lah. Serve their pee-pees.

Here's some more delightful titbits from their tweets

You shall be the best whoreganizer that you can
You shall remember one thing : feet are like cheese, the smellier it is, the better it tastes
You shall discover the use of ping pongs as a marital aid
You shall know you are neither fruit nor vegetable
You shall makeover your house to look like a massage parlor
You shall compete with a hair dryer in a blow job contest
You shall rub butter all over, because you will taste better with butter

Maybe I should join this club. Can ah? What's the entry requirement?

‘Wives can curb social ills like prostitution by being obedient and alluring’

PETALING JAYA: Wives who “obey, serve and entertain” their husbands can help reduce social ills such as prostitution and domestic abuse, according to members of The Obedient Wives Club.

The Club, to be launched Saturday by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, aims to teach wives how to keep their husbands happy and contented. Global Ikhwan, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic group, also launched the Ikhwan Polygamy Club two years ago. Global Ikhwan spokesperson Siti Maznah Mohd Taufik said that many social ills were caused by disobedient wives who failed to bring joy to their husbands.

“Domestic abuse happens because wives don't obey their husband's orders. A man must be responsible for his wife's wellbeing but she must listen to her husband,” said Siti Maznah in an interview on Friday.

When asked whether it was the wife's fault for being abused, she said: “Yes, most probably because she didn't listen to her husband.” Siti Maznah, 48, also stressed that husbands would not stray and turn to prostitutes if wives supplied them with a satisfying sex life. She said women had the duty of making themselves attractive and dressing up beautifully at home. “Wives should welcome them with sexy clothes and alluring smiles when in the privacy of their homes,” she said, adding that she herself did the same as everyone in the club practised what they preached.

Siti Maznah, a second wife and mother to five children, said she treated her husband's first wife like her elder sister.
“Altogether, we have 16 children in our household. My husband is a happy man, you can see it from his actions,” she said. According to her, the Ikhwan Polygamy Club now has over 1,000 members comprising both husbands and wives. The average number of children per polygamous household ranges from four to 26. Siti Maznah admitted that husbands were not perfect and it was natural for disagreements to occur, sometimes.“We can have discussions and disagreements. We don't just keep quiet when we don't agree with our husbands,” she said.

However, as long as husbands did not go against Islamic law, their final word was law, she said

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Term break

Kids had a 2-week term break over the Gawai holidays and where did I bring them? One weekend, to the waterfalls at Serian. I think it's called Ranchang Waterfalls.

Back to nature. Really not my idea of a fun relaxing outing. I would have preferred to roam the shopping malls, but well, kids ruled the day. So instead of airconditioned posh surroundings, I got insects, dirt and all the yucky bits of nature.

Lots of people on that day. School holidays I suppose.

Nat soaking her feet. She later got all wet.

Alex. Happy in the water.

Clarissa. As usual, can't get her to pose.

I'm glad the kids enjoyed themselves. They had better. Cos I'm not going back there.

The following weekend, I decided to bring them someplace more fun. My office. I had so much paperwork to file and archive. What better way to spend a weekend, kan? Now my desk is spanking clean. The envy of all.

Thanks darlings.

Temporary Home

Heard this on the radio the other day and it made me cry. I've been trying to buy the CD. Hey, if anyone finds it, please let me know ya.

Carrie Underwood. Love your vocals.