Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tough questions kids ask

Clarissa's my first born. And from the time she could talk, she never stopped asking questions. Her inquisitiveness drove me nuts. She would ask questions like :

Why is there a voice inside the telephone?
Are there people inside the TV?
Can I telephone Barney?
What is a boy?
Why can't our dog talk?
Why does daddy snore so loudly?
Why does daddy fart so loudly?
Are the clouds crying again?

Lucky me, I always got the questions. Because Daddy would simply say "Go ask your Mummy".

But it's OK. I could answer her questions. And most of the time, I would always try to give her the honest lowdown, in words that she could understand. Why does daddy snore? Oh. He has a frog in his throat, darling. All grown-up men do.

When she was 4 years old, Alex was born. And all those answers I gave her, she passed on to Alex.

Did you know Alex, that daddy has a trumpet in his backside? That's why he farts so loudly.

The toughest questions tho, were about the birds and bees.

It went something like this :

Clarissa : How was Alex born, Mummy?
Me        : Well, you see this belly button? He squeezed out from here.
Clarissa : Oh OK.
               But how did he get in there?
Me        : Err.. well, Ahh... God put him in there.
Clarissa : Oh OK

The next day, Clarissa was at it again.
Clarissa : Mummy, Daddy said babies are made from sex.
Me        : Err... yes, that's right darling.
Clarissa : What is sex, Mummy?
Me        : Ummm.. it's like when a man and a woman kiss each other. Like what you saw on TV that
Clarissa : Ewww.. Like kiss naked? On the bed?
Me        : Err... yes, that's right darling.

Clarissa (huge eyes now) : Mummy! Did you and Daddy have sex before?
Me        : Err... yes.
Clarissa : That is disgusting !
Me        : Well I did it because I wanted you and Alex.
Clarissa : Oh. But it's still disgusting. 
               Must I have sex when I'm bigger?
Me        : Oh look at Alex. What's he eating?

Parenting. And that's how it's done.