Saturday, September 10, 2011

A true friend

You know how, with some people, you find it so easy to be friends with. They are naturally friendly, naturally warm, and you feel an instant connection. Suddenly, WHAM! you feel you've known each other for years.

I am not one of those people. In fact, I've been labelled a Snob, more times than I care to count.

But I feel really lucky and blessed that I have met and formed real friendships with quite a few who are of the warm, fuzzy, caring, sort. The complete antithesis of me.

Like Jit Pang. A chance meeting at a christian youth camp in 1989 and we've been pals ever since. Lost touch for more than 15 years but then when we got back in touch, it's like hey, same same. Without skipping a beat, we could talk, scold and heap abuse at each other, like only the rarest of friends could.

This is an old picture, I was er.. 18, and thought big hair and looking like a lioness was cute. Arrggh. Yes, you can laugh.  
 This is him now, with his beautiful family. How he has grown ya.

Jit's been a youth pastor for a few years. He may be at a crossroad now, seeking direction, but I know he'll be OK. He will continue to touch many lives, cos his heart has always been for God. Never holier than thou, never judgemental. A true servant.

And a true friend.