Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bringing up a real man

It's never easy to bring up children. It's horrendously difficult to bring up a boy and hope one day he'll be a real man.

It's tough training. What's it they say? Boys are made of frogs and snails. And puppy dogs tails. Absolutely true. Boys are boys. They get dirty, noisy and in general wreak havoc everywhere they go. The stuff migranes are made of.

But now, Alex opens doors for me, carries my bags, and his sister's bags. When I come home , he meets me at the door. And when I'm tired and grouchy, he brings be a Coca Cola.

Lest I brag, (okay I am bragging), I think I'm doing a darn fine job.

My only small complaint is now that he's a teen, he doesn't want to kiss or hug much anymore. Whenever I attempted to cuddle him, he'd give me that look that said ewww.

And when I told him I love him, he'd grunt and say he too. But if I said it too many times, he'd say in his gruff man voice- Okay mum, okay.

I love him.