Saturday, October 22, 2011

My weird palm

The other day I went to a new place for my mani-pedi. And the manicurist turned out to be a wannabe palm reader too. Groan.

As she was giving my hand a good massage, all of a sudden she gasped and shrieked OH MY GOD. And gripped my hand.

I freaked a little. What? I said. What's wrong?

And I tried to pull my hand away. I didn't like her nails digging into the soft flesh of my hand.

You have a perfect simian line. She whispered. Then still gripping my hand, she stared at me with narrowed eyes.

My mind went blank. What's a simian whatever? Am I going to die?

Then she asked me, Are you Down's Syndrome ah?


Okay, I've been diagnosed as many things, but never Down's Syndrome. I laughed so much my tears rolled down my legs.

And the funnies didn't end there. She tried to teach me about palm lines and how they tell the future.  

Normal people ah, they have a curved Heart Line and another Head Line. See yours? You don't have. You have one line, because your heart line and your head line are joined. So your hand is very rare. 

And then she said - You are either very clever or very stupid. 


Normal people's hand

My hand

I went back home and googled this simian line thing.

Aiyo. The simian line name stems from the word primates because monkeys and apes were believed to have this line. Sigh. I guess I have not completely evolved then?

But then the more I read, the more conflicting the opinions become. And the more nonsensical this whole thing is about reading lines and creases. So mumbo jumbo. Lines are just lines. Period.
Now I need to find a new manicurist.